Sunday 22 February 2009

Thriller Questionnaire

1. Do you watch thrillers?
Yes 10
No 0

2. Where would your ideal thriller be set in?
Warehouses 2
Jungle 6
Abandoned town 2
Built up rural area 0

3. How do you prefer the opening of your thrillers?
Action packed and find out storyline later 9
Slow storyline filled waiting for the action 1

4. What is the best type of thriller opening
A chase scene 6
All out violence 4

5. When is best filming the thriller opening
Sunrise 0
Midday 0
Sunset 0
Midnight 10

6. What is the best name for my thriller?
Stalker in the woods 0
death in the woods 1
Disappearance 9

This made me realise that people liked certain things which I wanted to do for my thriller more than others that I had chosen. This made life a lot easier for me when it came to deciding certain things about my thriller.

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