Monday 23 February 2009

Thriller set

These are some pictures of where the thriller will hopefully be filmed. Firstly there are pictures of this place in midday showing the surroundings and what it looks like. After that there are some photos of the setting in the dark which is hopefully when the scene will be filmed in. Firstly there is a photo of an abandoned house. This could be used in the clip to build suspense.

Secondly there are some photos of the woodland where by I will be filming. Some of these photos are took from within the woodland when the scene will take place and some from on top of a hill looking down on the woodland showing the surroundings.

These following pictures are photos taken by me of the same surroundings in the woodland but taken late at night to make an effect of fear and other feelings brought to the audience and character when being shown. This will hopefully be similar to when i actually film the scene.

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