Tuesday 24 February 2009

Editing ideas

I took a few pictures down in the woods at night and decided to play around with it to see how good I could make it look. I was with a couple of friends when I was taking these photos and after taking some of the woodland we thought it may be a good idea to try something. Josh took a drag on his cigarette and blew it out in front of the camera as i took a picture. This looked really good in the photo as it made it look more menacing and creepy with the smoke drifting across the photo.

Also I will be using different effects to make my work look even better. I will make most of the first person shots slightly blurry to emphasise the fact that they are first person shots. Also the first shot where the main character is waking up I will start off as a fade in so it seems as if the character has woken up in the woodland area building suspense. Also when the victim is being dragged by the attacker it will fade in and out on a couple of occasions making it look like he is dropping in and out of consciousness.

When on the editing program I imported different music and sound effects. I then played around with them making them the correct volume so you could hear them but they were not overpowering. I then moved them round so they were in the correct place and sounded really well when played with the video.

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