Friday 27 February 2009

Risk Assesment

When thinking about the risk assessment I thought of different things that could happen. Instead of the actors and myself going down the big hill to the woodland we shall go round the long path way to minimise injury. We shall have have our mobile phones on us in case the worst were to happen.

We all know our way out of the woods and back to the road. I am filming at Toton woodland which is near the large train depot. Although there is a very large fence prevent me or the actors from entering the premises where the train lines are. We have all checked exactly where we are filming so we know where we are going preventing us getting lost.

Also we will have one or two people acting and at least one person looking after the camera in case a big gust of wind were to blow the tripod over. Finally we will be as safe as possible and avoid trouble as best as we can.

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